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Theoretical review of Selected Literatures on Impact Responses by Pedogenic Properties of Soil to Environmental Change: a global view

Theoretical review of Selected Literatures on Impact Responses by Pedogenic Properties of Soil to Environmental Change: a global view

In this review undertaking, soil properties and their relationship with humans has been investigated and discovered as the bane of reduced productivity and underdevelopment across nations of the world. In a number of ways, humans have ignorantly used the soil without recourse to its negative implications. In applying this theoretical review methodology therefore, emphasis has been placed on the most critical human activities that have wrought changes on soil properties. These include agriculture, cities and industrial development, mining, war and climatic change and soil formation processes. The scales and scope of human impacts on soil formation have also been given attention with significant results. The review and theoretical analysis also involves the tabulation of the human agents of change in soil properties and processes, as well as soil change resulting from human impact. In a concluding review, the authors considered the examples of the impacts to include retention of pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides and industrial solvents, degradation of soil structure; changes in soil texture, changes in soil color, porosity & poor distribution of nutrients and erosion of the A horizon. They include retention of pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides and industrial solvents. Prominent soil types in this impact analysis include Plaggen soils, salinized soils and liming that changes Ultisols to Altisols. In conclusion, adequate food supply to satisfy the needs of the whole population has been suggested as a top priority of all governments across the globe, hence the failure of most agricultural plans has been the underestimating the importance of soil status and mismanagement of nations’ soil. Likewise, declining soil fertility can be adequately managed by proper practice of soil rotation, bush fallow, application of the right fertilizer and proper management of the farmlands.
0 06 Jul, 2021
Confluence Journals
Contri. 3+
key Words: Key words: Human welfare, Environmental degradation, yield, soil regeneration. Environmental education.
Key Contributors: Ocholi, Isaac Utenwojo, Idoko O. and Israel Ocholi2